Friday 17 December 2010

Early development of candidate drugs

CIT, the preclinical drug safety CRO based outside Paris, and Biomodels, the Boston-based service company offering tailor-made preclinical efficacy models, have announced the signature of an alliance agreement. Under the terms of this transatlantic agreement, the two companies will develop packages of integrated services covering the early development of candidate drugs and their passage into the development phase.

The synergy derived from this alliance will enable the two companies to provide their clients with a comprehensive and seamless program of pre-clinical drug development, as well as new high-content testing approaches. Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

“CIT is very excited about working with Biomodels especially because of its ability to generate customized preclinical efficacy models,” said Dr Roy Forster, CSO of CIT. “This opens the way to unique approaches that permit rigorous profiling of the clinical potential of candidate drugs. Working hand in hand with Biomodels, we will further enrich our understanding of the efficacy and best therapeutic deployment of new drugs and bring these benefits to our clients.”

“Biomodels too is excited about the prospects offered by working with CIT and being able to share in its wide range of services,” said Professor Stephen Sonis, chief medical officer of Biomodels. “CIT goes well beyond just regulatory toxicology, and has been developing services in biomarkers, multiplex analyses, toxicogenomics and integrated safety pharmacology measurements.”

The two companies will begin their relationship with integrated packages of services that offer clients a seamless program of preclinical drug development. The next step will be to develop high content testing approaches that will provide significant added value for clients.

“CIT’s US affiliate, CITox Inc, is responsible for setting up this agreement, a clear affirmation of CIT’s presence in the US and of our proximity to US clients,” said Sophie Baratte, CEO of CIT. “Through this alliance, CIT and Biomodels are offering early testing capabilities in the US that we will transfer smoothly into preclinical development services in our French facility.”
