Thursday, 13 January 2011

Thermo Fisher Scientific launches YouTube chromatography channel

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc today announced the launch of a YouTube Channel dedicated to Chromatography at The first two videos uploaded are entitled ‘How GC Columns Work’ and ‘An Introduction to SPE’ and are ideal educational pieces to give rapid training on how various aspects of chromatography work.

The online ‘How GC Columns work’ video tutorial uses an example application on the analysis of neutral and acidic drugs using Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD GC Columns to demonstrate how ultra low bleed, high levels of reproducibility and superior inertness are essential to ensure full confidence in analytical results.

The Thermo Scientific Sample Preparation video enables viewers to discover how through the use of SPE, you can achieve a cleaner baseline and improved data processing leading to greater confidence, increased speed is cover how through the use of SPE, they can achieve a cleaner baseline and improve data processing leading to greater confidence, increased speed and reduced cost of analysis.